Hillside confesses baptism to be a sacrament. That means that baptism is a holy act, instituted by Christ, in which He visibly gives and confirms grace. In this view Baptism is a gift of God's doing. Lutherans believe that faith comes by hearing God's Word and that belief is not a human work but requires Divine power. Everyone who shares in Christ's salvation does so because they hear or have heard the Word of God.
Baptism is sometimes called a "water-word" that Christ connects with the mission of the Church to, "Go and make disciples" (Matthew 28). Baptism is connected with the repentance of sins and comes with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). Baptism is not ceremonial magic or tradition. In obedience to Christ's command the Church baptizes in the Triune Name (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) this Name has power because it is the Name by which we are saved. When the water and the Word combine, God promises to give grace visibly. It is not the only way God gives grace, but it is a particular way.
When we say that God "gives grace" in baptism what we mean is that God gives the gift of faith. Faith is a form of trust. In Baptism we receive forgiveness of our sins and the faith necessary to trust God's Words over the words of our hearts and the world. Baptism celebrates the gift of grace!
As the historical and Ecumenical Creeds state, there is "one baptism for the forgiveness of sins." Because of this if you were previously baptized (and the Triune Name was used), even if you were younger or in a different denomination, the baptism is still valid. Therefore we will not re-baptize you. Your original baptism is sufficient.
To request a baptism fill our baptismal request form and send it to our ministry coordinator, Ruth (ruth@hillsidelbc.org). She can also help you see if your preferred baptism date is open. Please note that we do not perform baptisms on last Sunday of any month.
Finally, please note that one of the pastors must approve all baptism requests and a meeting beforehand with a pastor is a requirement. Also required (with some possible exceptions) is regular attendance at Hillside for some time. We do not baptize those who do not regularly attend church.